Foundations: SEL

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) refers to the process of acquiring and applying essential skills, knowledge, and attitudes that support emotional well-being, positive relationships, and effective social interactions. It is a framework that acknowledges the crucial role of emotions and social dynamics in the academic and overall development of students.

At FocusedKids, our approach begins by fostering safe relationships between teachers and students.

Our social-emotional model, inspired by Momentous Institute, acknowledges that students need to feel safe and secure before they can manage their emotions, control their actions, and maintain focus and attention on a task.

Once students feel safe (their brains aren’t in fight or flight) within their environment and have learned to successfully practice calming skills (i.e., self-regulation), they can progress towards embodying kindness, compassion, and hope, thus achieving a state of integration.

According to Dr. Dan Siegel, this state of integration is like a puzzle where different pieces of our mind come together to create a complete picture. It’s when our thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations work harmoniously, like a well-coordinated team.

This balanced teamwork helps us handle stress, regulate our emotions, and build healthier relationships. Integration is about making sure all these puzzle pieces fit together smoothly for better mental and emotional well-being.

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