3 Key Players In The Brain

The FocusedKids Method is built around three key players in the brain. With a basic understanding of these three critical parts of the developing brain, you and the children you teach can begin to understand what is going on in it.

To make learning about the brain even more engaging for children, the FocusedKids Method assigns a character to each of these key parts of the brain.

Here are the three key players and their characters:

  1. Amygdala (Guard Dog): The amygdala is like the guard dog of the brain, responsible for our fight, flight, or freeze response. It develops fully before birth and helps keep us safe by reacting to threats or perceived threats. In children who have experienced trauma, the amygdala is always on high alert. It is also the center for emotions, including fear, excitement, curiosity, and happiness.
  2. Hippocampus (Ms. Elephante): The hippocampus is like a memory filing cabinet in the brain. It develops fully before birth and stores experiences and new learning. When we need to recall information, the hippocampus retrieves it. Just like elephants that never forget, the hippocampus is represented by Ms. Elephante.
  3. Prefrontal Cortex (Wise Owl): The prefrontal cortex is the executive functioning part of the brain. It handles attention, problem-solving, learning, and decision-making. It fully develops in the mid to late 20s. We can teach children strategies to strengthen this part of their brain. The prefrontal cortex plays a crucial role in self-regulation.

Here is a diagram that show you where these three key players are located in the brain.

Three key players in the brain diagram

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