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Elk Creek Parent Night with FocusedKids

Wednesday, November 20, 6–7 PM
Elk Creek Elementary School – New Castle, CO
Free and open to parents of both Elk Creek and Kathryn Senor Elementary Schools. 

Parenting is hard! FocusedKids provides tangible tools to make life at home a little calmer, more focused, and less stressful.

This workshop will teach mindful self-regulation skills that will strengthen your relationship with your children and help them build healthy brains.

Parents can choose either a Spanish-speaking or English-speaking session.

For questions contact  Brenda MurphyElk Creek School Counselor .

Family Night with Elk Creek School and FocusedKids

Wednesday, November 20, 6-7 PM Elk Creek
Elementary School  – New Castle, CO
Free and open to parents of Elk Creek and Kathryn Senor Elementary Schools. 

Parenting is hard!  FocusedKids provides tangible tools to make life at home a little calmer, more focused, and less stressful.

This series of workshops  will help you and your children practice conscious self-regulation skills that will strengthen your relationship with your children. Plus, with our fun and hands-on activities, you can help your children develop healthy brains!

Workshops will be offered in English and Spanish.

For questions:  Contact  Brenda Murphy.

Register here.

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