The Calm and Connected Classroom Educator Training
An Online SEL Training Course That Creates Resilient and Engaged Teachers and Students

Why Take The Calm and Connected Classroom Training?
Being a teacher is hard. Teaching unruly and distracted students is at least twice as hard. That’s why this online SEL training course exists.
You’ve probably tried various classroom management strategies to help get your class to calm down, focus, and engage with the lesson plans that you work hard to create. Chances are, you’ve had varying results and you’re ready for your classroom to feel a bit more manageable.
This online SEL training course can help you master the skills of mindful self-regulation. From there, you’ll be able to teach those skills to your students along with brain-building techniques that allow them to calm down, focus, and manage their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Especially when overwhelm and over-reactivity set in.
The end result is a classroom (and life) that feels a bit more manageable for teachers. And, students that are capable of managing their brains and themselves in healthy and productive ways.
This Online SEL Teacher Training
Will Allow You to…

Who the Calm & Connected Classroom Training Is For
If you’re one of the professionals listed below, this training is for you!
If you have any questions about whether or not this course will be a fit for you, send us an email and we will be happy to let you know what we think.
With FocusedKids
of teachers
report a significant reduction in classroom stress
of teachers
say students are better at focusing and self-regulating

What Participants Are Saying
“We really love Focused Kids. It has really made a positive difference in our classes. We have some high-energy children and it has really calmed down our class. Our children have learned to self-sooth by breathing when they have big feelings, they are able to control their bodies, and they have learned all the parts of the brain and what they do. It has helped all of us in the classroom.”
“I have found FocusedKids to be very, very worthwhile! I think every school should implement this program. It is an opportunity to learn skills, which will enrich and improve the lives of students and their families. The wonder of Kathy and her magical puppet Monkey had a child with developmental delays completely engaged in the lesson. He was waving to Kathy, her puppet Monkey and attempting to talk. This was a first for our little guy. As a special education teacher, I was brought to tears.”
“I love when the children take over and recognize that a friend might need some help to become calm again. The children are getting the tools to help themselves and others to regulate emotions and behaviors.”

The Calm and Connected Classroom Training Overview
You don’t have a ton of extra time on your hands. That’s why this course is light on frills and full of the knowledge and skills you need to teach yourself and your students how to self-regulate.
This course contains four modules. Each module has two parts: